Training is a vital component in the ongoing pursuit of quality. Thoughtfully chosen training takes into consideration the needs of individual staff members, the needs of the children in their care and the needs of the classroom and program environment. It is of the utmost importance that the training taken be of the highest quality and provides each staff member with meaningful professional development that is individualized to their specific professional development goals. The Formal Education and On-going Training Log is required at more than one stage of the National Accreditation Commission process and is essential in determining a program’s ongoing compliance with Staff Qualifications and Training Standards. The Education and On-going Training Log also provides a history of staff retention, training topics covered over a period of time, quality and sources of training. Using the the the following information provided, create one typed log for each paid staff member who has either supervisory responsibilities or who is included in the staff-child ratios.

– Name
– Title (Program Title: Pre-K 1 Teacher; Education Coordinator)
– Hire date
– National Accreditation Commission classification (Director/Onsite Supervisor/Lead Teacher/Asst Teacher) Each person is given only one classification, even if they have multiple roles (choose the classification with the greater level of responsibility).
– Classroom Group (Name of the classroom they are primarily assigned. If assigned to multiple groups, list each (Pre-K, Toddler 1, Lily pads, Infants).
– Typical age range of children in the group, given in months (15 mos–24 mos, 36 mos–48 mos, etc.). List multiple age ranges if staff member supervises more than one group of children.
– Number of years in ECE field
– Level of education
– Past two years of training (calculated by the date of submission to the National Accreditation Commission for review)

The formal education field should report one of the following items:
– High School or GED if no formal education has been pursued.
– Field of study and number of college credits if degree is not yet complete.
– Degree (with major, if unspecified).

For staff with majors other than Child Development (CD) or Early Childhood Education (ECE), including degrees in elementary education and staff with some college education, report the number of CD/ECE college credits in the CD/ECE Credits earned field.Training hours should:
– Include date, title, description of content, agency, trainer, and number of clock hours.
– Be conducted by a variety of sources of expertise. Some of the training hours can include in-house training.
– List individual content covered during an all-day training or conference.
– Be individualized (not be the same for all staff members).
– Include topics chosen as a result of observations or performance evaluations.
– Include management hours for all directors and supervisory staff.
– Include topics directly related to the age group each staff member supervises.
– Cover a variety of topics, with a strong focus on child development, curriculum, and classroom management, especially for staff with limited or no formal education in ECE/CD.
– Not include trainings mentioned in other standards CPR & First Aid (C7), Standard Precautions (C8), Child Abuse (C9) , Fire Extinguisher (C19) training. If these trainings are listed for convenience, the total clock hours should be zero.
– Should include the appropriate amount of hours per each staff member:
– Director—30 hours annually
– Onsite Supervisor—25 hours annually
– Staff—20 hours annually

Two years of training are included with each training log submission. The two-year period is calculated by the date of submission to the National Accreditation Commission for review. To consider the training standard met, staff must meet the required training for at least one year. Once a program is accredited, staff must maintain the annual training hours to have full compliance with the standard.

Association for Early Learning Leaders