Family Engagement Standards

These standards are to be used as orientation to the Accreditation Process. All standards are in the Accreditation Manual with indicators that serve as evidence the standard is met. Programs considering pursuing accreditation through the National Accreditation Commission should enroll in Self-Study.

C1. A written orientation plan introduces children and families to the program.

C2. Families are provided with written policies and procedures.

C3. The program has methods for communicating important information to families on a regular basis.

C4. Employees maintain ongoing communication with families about their child’s experiences and activities.

C5. Administrators and teachers collaborate with parents or legal guardians regarding decisions about the child’s early learning experiences.

C6. Formal conferences are conducted to discuss children’s progress and overall development.

C7. The program provides parents/legal guardians with opportunities to better understand children’s growth and development and effective strategies for learning.

C8. The program develops partnerships with community agencies to connect families to resources.

C9. The program promotes family engagement.

C10. Families have opportunities to provide feedback on the program.

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Association for Early Learning Leaders