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Professional Development Standards

These standards are to be used as orientation to the Accreditation Process. All standards are in the Accreditation Manual with indicators that serve as evidence the standard is met. Programs considering pursuing accreditation through the National Accreditation Commission should enroll in Self-Study.

B1. Director Qualifications

B2. Employee Qualifications

B3. Employees under the age of 18 who work with children

B4. Professional development training is required annually.

B5. Each employee receives a performance appraisal.

B6. A written annual professional development plan is prepared for each employee.

B7. The Director and/or onsite Supervisors provide support to employees on a consistent basis.

B8. The administration has methods for communicating important information to employees.

B9. The employees have methods to maintain ongoing communication with each other regarding actions pertaining to the classroom and children.

B10. Employees are provided with opportunities to meet for team building, training, program planning, and goal setting.

B11. Employees have opportunities to provide feedback on the program.

The Association for Early Learning Leaders is committed to excellence in the field of early childhood care and education by promoting leadership development and enhancing program quality.

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Association for Early Learning Leaders