What High Performing Teams Do Differently

Shannon Hendricks408

Why is it that some professional sports teams manage to perform at championship-winning levels year after year while most others do not? When Microsoft asked this question, that set off a six-year study to try and decipher the code. After more than 100 interviews with the people behind the most consistently successful teams and organizations in the United States, it was shown the key is to maintain a culture of greatness. Specifically, maintaining that culture comes down to four essential pillars which set a great team apart. In this session based on the book Great Teams by bestselling author Don Yaeger, participants will unpack those pillars and create practical strategies for elevating their team performance.

Shannon is Director of Children's Care and Programs at Bryan's House in Dallas, Texas. In her role, Shannon administers the Early Childhood Education, after-school care, and Respite Care Programs. Bryan's House is a unique program that provides care for families dealing with HIV or AIDS and families with special needs children. Previously, as Director of Strategic Initiatives for Educational First Steps (EFS), Shannon educated the community about the importance of high-quality early education and lead the expansion of EFS programs into new strategic directions. She spearheaded the development of the first two generations of EFS's Four Steps to Excellence and Four Steps to Excellence 2.0, to better provide impoverished children access to quality early education. Shannon holds a BS in Education from Missouri State University.
Fri 2:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Staff Development
Association for Early Learning Leaders