Be sure to check here for our Wednesday Webinars!


The Thing About Gossip...

Lori Buxton303

Gossip is a destructive weed in our garden, maybe the most destructive, and it grows best when we can't or won't deal with it. In this very transparent session, we will discuss what gossip is, how it spreads, and how we can get rid of it so our team and program is healthy, happy, and productive.

Lori Buxton has been involved in early care and education since 1995. She has served children and their families on many levels, including classroom teacher, program director, executive administrator and training consultant. Lori is a dynamic speaker who encourages and inspires; challenges and equips; and whose heart is deeply committed to supporting those who serve young children and their families. Lori is the Managing Director of the Association for Early Learning Leaders and a trains for early learning programs locally, regionally and nationally. Lori also founded the Gulf Coast Director's Network in Houston, TX. She lives near Galveston, TX with her husband Mark, where they are better known as Nana & PopPop by their favorite children in all the world, Kaylee, Konner, Grace, Maverick, Jase and Hunter.
Fri 11:00 am - 12:45 pm
Staff Development
Association for Early Learning Leaders