The Five Essential Elements of Financial Health in Your Early Education Business
Kathy Ligon101
There are five things that childcare business owners need to pays strong attention to in order to be financially strong. Not 99 things. Five. Do you know what they are? Join Kathy Ligon as she discusses the top actions owners can take today to start moving the needle towards profitability and what financial areas childcare business owners should focus on now in order to reach true financial health.
Kathy Ligon is the Founder & CEO of HINGE Early Education Brokers. Trained as a public accountant, Kathy has a unique 30+ year background in educational operations. Early on, she was named Financial Director for a growing educational organization and subsequently moved to COO, directing growth management and helping the company multiply from five to 125 sites operating in several states in the Southeast. In 2003, Kathy formed her own early education brokerage firm—now known as HINGE Brokers. Within this organization, Kathy and her team have successfully closed more than 200 educational transactions.
Thu 10:45 am - 12:30 pm