AELL's 2016 Annual National Conference


In our busy days, it’s easy to forget the power and importance of investing in a face-to-face conversation with someone who speaks your language and shares your challenges.

There are many benefits to attending this year’s conference. There is the power of being connected to other professionals who are active in your field. There are the tremendous tools and resources that might be just what you need to meet those enrollment goals or take your team to the next level. So many early learning professionals cringe at the thought of taking a few days from their program to participate in a conference, but attending an event like the How Successful Directors Lead Conference can be a real game changer for your program and the families it serves.

Choosing to invest in yourself is choosing to invest in your leadership and the team you lead!

Here are four reasons to attend the How Successful Directors Lead Conference:

1. Networking and relationship building – meeting groups of people with shared interests is always fun and empowering! Exchanging ideas and experiences with like-minded individuals will not only be affirming, but can also help you grow personally and intellectually. The opportunity to engage informally at networking events and collaborate with your peers can be a life-giving and a life-long resource.

2. Educational Opportunities – whether you’re considering growing in your current position or are looking for a new role, attending the conference will allow you to stay current with the latest trends, research and technologies in the early care and education field and help you sustain and drive business.

3. Sessions tailored just for YOU – With a spectrum of topics offered that address various seasons of leadership; from the new director to seasoned executive leadership. Experts in our industry generously share valuable and practical tools that will make a meaningful contribution to your leadership and the life of your program.

4. Relax and get inspired – attending the conference will get you inspired by breaking out of your usual routine and helping you fully immerse in an expertise rich-environment.
Ready to sign up? Click here.


Association for Early Learning Leaders