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Noise Pollution | Eco Healthy Child Care®

Noise Pollution | Eco Healthy Child Care®

There are many facets to a healthy environment. When thinking about protecting children from environmental health hazards, perhaps the chemicals in cleaners and bug sprays may be the first things that come to mind for you; or perhaps air pollution or Lead.

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Keynote Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss!

Keynote Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss!

We are all capable of achieving everyday greatness-becoming our best self.However, many times we do not achieve our greatness because we cannot break through our own personal interference (fears, uncertainty, doubts and the voice in our head).

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Lead | Eco-Healthy Child Care®

Lead | Eco-Healthy Child Care®

As the mother of two young children (2.5 years and 9 months) I work to protect my children from Lead, and other common substances that may harm their health.  Like all mothers, I want my children to thrive and to have the best future possible.

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Take a Vacation with Education

Take a Vacation with Education

We all have that list. It’s the one with the big picture ideas. The things to research. The big changes you want to undertake. How often do you get to actually check any of those boxes? There’s always a phone call to take, a problem to solve, a fire to put out (hopefully a figurative one).

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Arsenic is well-known as a poison.  At high doses, arsenic can be fatal, as any reader of murder mysteries can tell you.  But on-going, low-level exposures to arsenic can be harmful too.

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Pesticides | Eco-Healthy Child Care®

Pesticides | Eco-Healthy Child Care®

Have you ever had ants in your kitchen, or aphids on your houseplants? Are there weeds in your garden or yard that refuse to go away? I can answer yes to these questions and I bet that you can too.

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Let’s talk about…Standard A10

Let’s talk about…Standard A10

Training is a vital component in the ongoing pursuit of quality. Thoughtfully chosen training takes into consideration the needs of individual staff members, the needs of the children in their care and the needs of the classroom and program environment.

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Furniture & Carpets

Furniture & Carpets

Every parent watches their infant get up close and personal with their environment — like crawling on rugs, napping on a cushion, or mouthing an armrest. 

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Art Supplies

Art Supplies

It’s important for children to participate in arts and crafts. It allows them an opportunity to express their creativity and use their imagination. Whether it’s finger painting or drawing a picture, children feel proud knowing that they have created something.

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Air Quality

Air Quality

Children are particularly vulnerable to air pollution because their lungs are still developing. Children also breathe in more air per pound of body weight than do adults.

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Let’s talk about…Standard D3

Let’s talk about…Standard D3

D3. Written assessment is made of each child’s growth and development. Assessments are based on developmental norms and expectations appropriate for the child’s age.

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Plastics & Plastic Toys

Plastics & Plastic Toys

Plastic products are found everywhere; child care settings are no exception. Certain plastics contain chemicals that can harm human health and we find that some of these chemicals migrate from the product into our bodies.

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Association for Early Learning Leaders